

Booklet is a simple catalogue management and item booking system, designed for the media department at my high school. I built it in collaboration with another student, using Express, MySQL, and Pug.

The system allows students to easily book media equipment using an interactive form, and automatically determines item stock levels based on existing bookings. It provides an interface for admin users to perform CRUD operations on any item in the catalogue, as well as query current bookings by date or by item.

Finally, the system automatically emails admin users when a new booking is created, and reminds students when their booking is available to collect. The website is fully mobile responsive, allowing students to begin creating a booking by scanning a QR code.

screenshot of the Booklet booking creation page


The first stage of the design process involved interviewing the media department to determine project requirements. Then, we created an ER Diagram detailing the database structure, and several design drawings outlining the layout and content of each page.

Throughout development, we regularly communicated with the media department to recieve feedback as the initial designs were implemented. This allowed us to produce a final product that fully met all the project requirements, as well as providing a simple, intuitive user experience.

ER Diagram illustrating the Booklet database
design drawing for the Booklet booking creation page


The application was built using Node.js with Express, using the Pug templating engine. This stack lent itself to the model-view-controller (MVC) design pattern, which made the resulting codebase easy to navigate and reason about. Further, the ability to create templates allowed us to break the user interface into reusable components, such as the top navigation bar, making it easier to maintain.

The catalogue and booking information was stored in a MySQL database, and we used the Sequelize ORM to automate table creation and simplify the process of writing database queries.

Finally, we used Nodemailer to automate email sending, and Ethereal Mail to test this functionality. The interface itself was constructed using Bootstrap, which provided a clean, consistent look and feel.

screenshot of the Booklet item catalogue page
screenshot of the Booklet daily report page